Classic Jackfruit Smoothie
Classic Jackfruit Smoothie
Classic Jackfruit Smoothie
Classic Jackfruit Smoothie

Classic Jackfruit Smoothie

Regular price $22.95

We should raise things with the basic and great jackfruit smoothie.If you don’t want to dwell that much on ingredients, yet still need to deliver a delightful outcome that brings that charming tropical touch, this one is ideal for you. Since this formula includes yogurt, you can utilize enhanced yogurt, yet remember that a definitive outcome will have a changed taste. 


– 2 cups jackfruit (frozen, fresh or canned) 
– 2-3 cups yogurt 
– 1 tbsp honey 
– 8 ice cubes

Preparation Method:
– Mix every one of the ingredients in a blender 
– Process for a moment or until smooth

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Classic Jackfruit Smoothie
Classic Jackfruit Smoothie